Seeking Summer & Fall Teen Leaders
06/15/2022 01:24:40 PM
The Teen Leader Program is an integral part of the Shaarei Shabbat morning. Teen Leaders watch and interact with kids aged 2-10 so that their parents can daven with the wider congregation. They are responsible for playing indoor and outdoor games, leading parasha and/or simple davening, and reading stories. Teen Leaders are encouraged to create ways for the kids to connect to relevant Jewish content, as well as provide overall coverage for safety and fun! Younger Teen Ledaers can be paired with older ones to support and guide them as they learn the routines, and to encourage partnership in leading.
All Teen Leaders are paid at the MA minimum wage (around $14/hour), and are expected to spend at least one hour per week outside of Shabbat/Chag in preparing for the activities. On Shabbat, the hours are approximately 9:30-11:30 on most weeks. Teen Leaders are expected to cover Shabbat at least once a month, and ideally no more than three times per month.
Interested? Click here to apply!