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Shabbat Morning Groups

We have 3 Shabbat Morning Groups meeting every Shabbat and Chag at 10:30am.  The toddler room is open for all, and parents are welcome to stay, should they choose, with our wonderful teens. There are tons of toys and books, and everyone finds something they like.  The preschool group enjoys singing, davening and their own Kiddush, followed by story time and activity. Our 6-8 group (which is geared toward children in those ages, but is open to older children as well) have fun, play games, meet friends and hold an age-appropriate davening.



Middle School Activities

Middle school students meet once a month during Kiddush for their own festive kiddush, mingle and chat, and hear a short Dvar Torah from various volunteers. In addition, we are happy to support NCSY and their Emtza program, geared for 6-8th grade students.



Over the summer we held our first Seder Erev, in which high school students met twice a week to learn with various volunteers from the community.  Teens enjoyed learning halacha, aggadah, Rabbinic responses, Talmud and Jewish history. Throughout the year we hold various events for our teens - Hoshana Raba party, Simchat Torah teen dinner, Chanukah/Tu Bishvat party, Purim party (with NCSY) and Shavuot teen dinner.


Bnei Akiva

Bnei Akiva is running its 6th year in Newton.  Snif meets most Shabbat afternoons (and sometimes Sundays) and connects more than 60 children to Eretz Yisrael.  We host two shlichot from Israel who live in Newton and bring the Bnei Akiva Ruach (spirit) to our shul. The shlichot lead a group of Madrichim who enhance our community with their involvement.  They also help lead the communal Yom Ha'Atzmaut event.



NCSY connects with Jewish teens through innovative, social and recreational programs to develop a positive Jewish identity.  Running regular teen activities and Shabbatonim in and around Newton, NCSY offers our youth many opportunities to meet and develop their relationship to Torah and Eretz Yisrael.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785