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Shabbat Youth Groups

Shabbat Youth Groups are open to all ages, especially 1-10, and are held in the Social Hall or Shul Tent during regular morning davening.

  • The youngest members/guests are welcome to explore their world in the mat area with toys and crawl space.
  • Tots (aged 2-5) have access to games, toys, and a special, participatory sing-along service just for them.
  • Older children (6-9) have access to games, discussions about the parsha, and other age-appropriate content.

Masks are required indoors for all kids over age 2.  No food or drink may be consumed indoors at this time.


A Message from Family Education Chair Vicki Cochran

November 18, 2021

Dearest Families, Friends, and Kahal members,

We are transitioning to a more structured, religiously interactive, and engaging Shabbat morning program for our youngest members. We are so happy to provide these you group services and see this as essential to who we are as a shul community! We appreciate your support and partnership in our efforts.

Thank you!

Vicki Cochran
Chair, Family Education


The Structure

Everything will take place in the Social Hall or outside, weather permitting.

9:45–10:15 AM

Free Play with activities, board games, books, and more

10:15–10:40 AM

Tot Shabbat: the well-loved sing-along davening and story for children under 6.

Youth Davening/Parsha: a new addition for children 6 and above to practice selected prayers in an engaging and fun format and/or have an interactive discussion and activity of this week's Parsha

10:40–11 AM

Free Play with outdoor activities, board games, books, and more


The Rules

1. Remain in the Youth Programming spaces unless you have spoken to a Teen Leader about where/when/why you are going to another area.

2. Remain on the first floor of the Shul (or outside as applicable), unless you have communicated why/where with a Teen Leader.

3. Stay out of the kitchen and closet areas unless personally escorted by a Teen Leader.

4. Participate in activities provided and/or do not prevent others from participating.

5. Snacks and drinks beyond water are consumed outside, in adherence with the shul's Covid-19 policies.


What We Expect from Families (parents and children)

1. To review the rules of the Shabbat Youth Programming each week and agree to abide by them.

2. To treat every person (child, teen, adult) with respect and follow their instructions.

3. For children: to stay either within the Youth Programming areas or with their parent/adult member.

4. For adults: to monitor the whereabouts of your child(ren) and assist any teens/adults in maintaining their safety.


What We Promise

1. To meet each child where they are, both in age and knowledge of prayers/parsha.

2. To supervise each child that is within our sphere, assist them, and support their enjoyment of Shabbat.

3. To provide outdoor time when there is no active rain/snow and temperatures on Shabbat morning are above 35 degrees.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785