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Chesed Committee

Shaarei Tefillah’s Chesed Committee strives to provide member families with aid and support in times of need, including death and bereavement, births, and Bikur Cholim.


To make a donation, click here.


Some examples of the chesed committee’s services include the following:


Death and Bereavement - email us here

Services include sending out death notification to shul members and information regarding shiva via our the shul’s e-mail list. The committee, together with the gabbaim, also organizes shiva minyanim and provides shiva chairs and other supplies. The committee tries to address the needs of the bereaved family giving special consideration to the unique needs of each situation. Our general policy is to provide a complete seudat havra'ah, the meal for the family immediately following a funeral, a dinner meal every day of shiva, and Shabbat meals during or immediately following shiva. When shiva takes place out of town, the committee attempts to send a meal through certified-kosher caterers or restaurants.

Births - email us here

The Chesed Committee is delighted to help members ease into new parenthood by providing meals on a schedule that suits each family. A link is provided to allow friends and family beyond Shaarei to contribute as well. In addition, the community is happy to provide assistance in whatever ways are needed. Hospital or home visitations, phone calls, child care and play dates can all be arranged.


Bikkur Cholim - email us here

Services will depend on the individual situation, but we generally try to provide hospital or home visitation, meals, shopping and errand running, transportation, and arrangement of child care where necessary.


Chesed Fund - email us here

The Chesed Fund was established several years ago (separate from the shul’s regular Tzedakah Fund) for the primary purpose of addressing the needs of the community above and beyond the Chesed committee’s allotted budget. The fund provides money for anonymous donations, provision of supplies and meals, etc. Donations to the Chesed Fund are always welcome. A personally designed note will be sent by the coordinator to announce the donation in honor, memory, or appreciation of chesed activities.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785