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Shaarei Tefillah's committees support a variety of activities vital to our shul. A "Core Committee" chair or co-chair serves as a member of the Board. All members are welcome to attend committee meetings.


Chesed Committee

Shaarei Tefillah's Chesed Committee strives to provide member families with aid and support in times of need, including death and bereavement, births, and Bikkur Cholim.

Communications Committee

The communications committee is responsible for the maintenance of this website, our Shul listserv, weekly announcements, flyers, and programmatic promotional materials. The email address for website-related issues is

Education Committee

Shaarei Tefillah's Education Committee plans Talmud Torah initiatives for our shul. Guest speakers, scholars-in-residence, symposia, shabbatonim, as well as ongoing and occasional shiurim (given by both Rabbi Samuels and members of the Congregation) are coordinated by this important committee. We take seriously the challenge of meeting the needs of a diverse community, and try to provide well-balanced educational events to suit a wide range of backgrounds and interests. For further information, please contact We welcome your input and suggestions. Check out the Shiurim and Upcoming Events page of this site for upcoming education programs at Shaarei - members of the wider Jewish community are always welcome.

Fundraising Committee 

Our mission is to raise money to augment the general treasury for the daily running of the shul, as well as pay down our building debt. Our annual fundraising events are:
  • Kol Nidrei Appeal: At the start of Yom Kippur, participants in our Yamim Noraim davening (High Holiday prayer service) have an opportunity to enter into the Day of Atonement by making a Tzedakah pledge to fund the annual operational budget of our Shul. Donation pledges large and small are all welcome, and indicated through the folding of a tab on an confidential appeal card. Members not in attendance are encouraged to participate in this yearly fundraiser, as well. Additionally, Yom Kippur is also a time when individuals can pledge in their hearts to share of their personal resources of time and energy and participate in our programs and volunteer their leadership for Shul projects. On Yom Kippur day, we distribute an appeal card for volunteerism and participation to help direct people's conscientious contemplation on this holiest of days.
  • Mishloach Manot: The shul sells, prepares, and delivers Purim Mishloach Manot to friends and relatives in neighboring towns and communities. We also mail Purim greeting cards all over the world. This mammoth project is truly a community effort, and helps build the bonds of friendship and communal interconnectivity. 
  • Cards and Inscriptions: At any time during the year, donation cards and book inscriptions are used to raise money for the shul. People inscribe Chumashim, Siddurim, Machzorim, and library books in honor of special occasions, bar/bat mitzvahs and other semachot, or in memory of loved ones. Donation cards are also sold and can be mailed directly by the purchaser for any occasion.

Generations Committee

The Generations Committee aims to create lasting connections between members of different generations and to promote inter-generational experiences to facilitate these connections.  From the very young to the very old, our hope is to learn from one another and appreciate members of every cohort.

Hospitality Committee

Visiting Newton?  Shaarei welcomes you!  Our Hospitality Committee is available to answer any questions or arrange Shabbat hospitality when needed.  Please contact our shul office for more information.


House Committee

The house committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the building's physical plant, including lights, air conditioning, outside maintenance, and coordination with our custodial staff.

Inclusion Committee

As a Modern Orthodox Community we are dedicated to the Divine charge of ‘hakhel’, Inclusivity.   Our community offers an inclusive, friendly and participatory atmosphere conducive to personal growth and communal involvement.  Our inclusion committee works to create inclusion initiatives and ongoing availability of resources to meet the needs of all of our members and guests.   We continually strive to provide programming to help promote understanding of disabilities, and proudly partner with Yachad and host a number of joint events each year.

Interiors Committee

The Interiors Committee was instrumental in designing our current building and continues to work toward enhancing our interior spaces with artistic design and functional optimization.


Israel Action

The Israel Action and Advocacy Committee advances Shaarei’s unwavering and enthusiastic support for the State of Israel as our cherished homeland.  The Committee’s work includes advocating on behalf of ISrael and Israelis, including hosting and supporting AIPAC events, organizing Shaarei learning trips to Israel, and promoting Zionism and social justice by supporting numerous Israeli organizations.

Library Committee

The Alexander Altmann Memorial Library was established in the summer of 1988 after the death of Professor Alexander Altmann, distinguished rabbi, scholar, mentor, founding member of Shaarei Tefillah, and member of the Board of Halakhic Advisors, which governed the synagogue in its infancy. The core collection consists of Judaica and Hebraica, primarily basic sources for text study: Tanakh, Talmud, Midrash, encyclopaedias in Hebrew and English. Donations to the Library are accepted through the Library Committee, which maintains the collection, purchases new titles, and sends out donation cards. The recommended donation for one card/bookplate is $36.00. Suggestions for new titles are always welcome. Please contact our office for further information.

Membership / Welcoming Committee

Our shul has grown from an initial group of approximately thirty families during its early years to two hundred and fifty families today. Our members span all age ranges, including students, singles, married couples, young families with growing children, and older couples with married children and grandchildren. We strive to achieve a balance between continual growth and expansion, while remaining intimate enough to retain our "family" atmosphere. Recruitment and welcoming of new members for Shaarei Tefillah is a high priority. We offer an incentive of half-price dues and complimentary High Holy Day seats for first year members, and special rates for students, singles, and families in need. We think you will find the people at Shaarei warm and welcoming, our davening inspirational and fulfilling, and our educational programs and social events fun and gratifying. If your family is considering moving to Newton, or if you know someone who is, please contact our Welcoming Commitee chairs/coordinators. Feel free to contact Rabbi Samuels, as well.

Ritual Committee

The Ritual Committee is headed by our two gabbaim. In addition, there are several deputy Gabbaim in our shul who serve in a supplemental fashion to help run our daily minyanim, our Shabbat and Yom Tov minyan in the main sanctuary, and our hashkamah minyan on Shabbat morning and chaggim. The gabbaim also serve as members of the Executive Committee of the congregation. The Gabbaim work closely with our Rabbi to set davening times and coordinate all aspects of minyanim: daily, Shabbat, Yamim Noraim (High Holy Days), and the Chaggim. Our elected Gabbaim also assign all kibudim (honors) for the Yamim Noraim, as well as throughout the year. They also stand ready to help a member commemorate a yahrzeit or celebrate a simchah. The Ritual Committee meets several times a year to discuss ritual practice for our Tefillah services.

Social Action/Binyan Tzedek Committee

The Social Action Committee strives to coordinate programs which address the social justice needs of the Jewish community and the larger society, in Boston and beyond. 
The Tzedakah Committee collects funds from the synagogue membership in support of charitable needs outside the congregation. We prefer to support charities in the United States and Israel which provide direct aid to individuals, and in which our relatively modest support can help to make a difference. Our funds come entirely from voluntary contributions, frequently coinciding with a Yom Tov YIzkor appeal, or a family simchah, or remembrance.

Women's Tefillah Group

The Women's Tefillah Group (WTG) of Congregation Shaarei Tefillah has gathered monthly since 1992 to daven and learn together. The WTG operates under the halakhic guidance of Rabbi Samuels, and builds upon the guidelines set by the shul's founding board of halakhic advisors. The WTG grew out of the shul's annual women's Torah reading on Simchat Torah, which began in 1985. In 1992 the group began to meet on Rosh Chodesh, and in 1994, under the guidance of Rabbi Moshe Simkovich, began to meet for minchah each Shabbat Mevarchim Rosh Chodesh, in place of meeting on Rosh Chodesh itself. In 1997, the WTG was established as a standing committee of the shul with representation on the shul's Board.


Email us here
The Youth Committee runs various activities for the younger members of our community, including programs for pre-schoolers, kindergarten and grade one, grades two through five. We also have activities for our teenagers.  Please see our youth pages for more information.
Fri, January 17 2025 17 Tevet 5785