Shaarei Volunteering Trip to Israel - Informational Session on CST Israel Service Mission
01/23/2024 03:31:48 PM
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Dear Kahal,
Shaarei Volunteering and Solidarity Trip to Israel
Information Session: Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 6:00 pm by Zoom
This trip will feature agricultural and other volunteering and meaningful opportunities to support Am Yisrael.
The trip will start on the evening of Sunday, March 31, 2024 with the El Al non stop flight from Boston to Tel Aviv, with options to return the following Sunday (7 day trip) or later (9 day, and possibly, 14 day options).
Join Rav Benjie, Cheray Shein and Lance Kawesch for an information session to learn more.
This Zoom will be recorded and available if you are unable to attend the information session.